Sunday, August 14, 2011

Chapter 11- Parenting Children with Special needs

This chapter in particular caught my attention.  I know it has to be demanding to parent children with special needs.  The most important fact is that there is love and with love everything is possible.  On the other hand, there are people who do not respect this, and this is why the article below talks about respect towards a child with special needs:

The below video from youtube is from a lady that has a child with special needs and how she has been able to take care of her beatiful child.  I like this video because she goes in great detail about her child sickness and how she has been able to help her child.

Having a child with special needs in the family affects family interactions and this families typically need varied kinds of support.

The below poem written by Meshell Baylor, shares the sentiments of love an autistic child feels from her mother in this special message to all parents.

To All The Mothers

By Meshell Baylor

My mother loves me unconditionally.
Even though I repeat the same old things.
My mother loves me so well you see.
She's patient when I cannot be.
She doesn't mind me pacing back and forth.
She doesn't mind the jibberish.
When I am frustrated beyond my means.
She sings, Don't worry the storm is over."
When I feel no one understands,
Mom is there to hold my hand.
To all the parents around the words whose
journey seems like this.
We know that you love us dearly.
But having you in our lives makes us blessed.

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